
Reviewington is an open source tool that lets you search through all pull request comments in a GitHub repository. This makes it quick and easy to find previous discussions that can help you better understand the code!

Get Reviewington Get the Parse Review Comments GitHub action View Repository

View all review comments in your repository. Reviewington runs locally and uses your GitHub account, so you can use it in private repositories with the knowledge that you aren't compromising on security.

Screenshot of Reviewington discussions screen.
Screenshot of Reviewington's file tree.

Search for comments by file or directory. Filter out the comments you aren't interested in so you can find what you're looking for quickly.

Can't figure out what that variable is for? Search for it! Your search queries will be matched against comments, code, and the commenters' usernames.

Screenshot of Reviewington's search bar.
Reviewington screenshot filtered by comment etiquette type.

If your review comments follow Reviewington's recommended etiquette you can filter for certain types of comments as well. You can enforce review etiquette using the companion GitHub action.